Thursday, April 24, 2008

The United States of America VS The Divideded States of America: Joe Lunch Buckett Endorses Barack Obama

So here's my take on the current state of our nation's politics. In my mind the one thing this nation needs most of all is to come together, to unify, to sing our song in harmony. After all, we are the UNITED States of America right? And as Lincoln observed over a century and a half ago, "A house divided cannot stand." That was true during the Civil War, and it's certainly true again today.

Divide and Conquer
So when the modern spin doctors are allowed to get away with pitting nation against nation, ethnicity against ethnicity, worker against worker, red state folks against blue state folks, labor against management, coloreds (of any color) against whites, men against women, Christians against Muslims, old against young, or north against south, the bad guys win. They have the people fighting amongst themselves, distracted by artificial, intentionally contrived issues, while the one real issue get covered over in all the well planned, choreographed confusion. You might recognize this strategy. It's called divide and conquer.

In that light let me ask the following question. Does anyone really think that a Hillary Clinton Presidency would actually unite the nation? Or will her candidacy light a fire under the Republican base like nothing else on planet earth could possibly do, as Jerry Falwell predicted before his death. Realistically speaking, Hillary is the biggest polarizer in the Democrat’s camp. Bigger even than Bill.

G.W. McCain?
Now how about George W. McCain? Will a continuation of the Bush legacy bring our people together or will it keep us divided and conquered. There's no doubt that McCain is "a divider not a uniter." just ask GW Bush. Four more years of the same old same old is definitely not a recipe for change or unification.

That brings us to Barack Obama who's currently being attacked from both the Clinton and the McCain camps, because he's daring to play the game differently. He's threatening to unite the people into a single team, all pulling in the same direction, towards the same democratic goal, at the same time. And such a movement threatens the power of the status quo…and they don’t like threats. It's the kind of thing that got the Kennedys and Martin Luther King killed back in the tumultuous sixties.

Hillary’s Right on One Thing…
Hillary is right however when she says Obama is unpredictable. She, on the other hand is totally predictable, which is why the status quo honchos don't worry when she talks about change. That kind of change is predictable and manageable... from the top down. After all with Hillary they had eight years of hands on experience and they know she'll play the divide and conquer game the way that they want it played. McCain is even more predictable and when push comes to shove, he falls in line, just ask the swift boat crew, Karl Rove, and GW Bush.

The Audacity of Unification
But Obama is an unknown quantity that has the audacity to think he can unify the people, which all by itself is a huge threat to the status quo. In other words, with Obama, at least we have a fighting chance. With the other two, the fix is in and the future of our children is bleak. Do you need any other reasons to endorse Barack Obama? I don't.


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