Hard Evidence That Right Wingers Think Their Own Kids are Too Stupid to Think for Themselves
Indoctrination or brain washing as it’s known in some circles is where one group of people controls the information that another group of people has access to. In other words, group one allows group two to hear only what they want them to hear, and they actively prevent group two from hearing anything that contradicts group one’s position. People who are uninformed (i.e. ignorant) are more easily controlled and manipulated than people who are informed. Thinking in group one’s view is very dangerous.
Fear and Trepidation of Obama’s Words
This week’s ruckus pitting conservative parents against President Obama and his education talk to our nation’s students, scheduled for 10AM this coming Tuesday, is a prime example an attempt at thought control. These conservative parents apparently live in constant fear and trepidation that if their own kids hear Obama’s ideas, they might actually agree with Obama – God forbid.
Keeping Them Blissfully Ignorant
On the other hand, if their kids are locked away in a dark classroom somewhere, far away from any TV set, they’ll be denied access to Obama’s magical, and tempting words. They’ll have no idea what they’re missing, and they’ll remain blissfully ignorant and controllable by their own parents.
I mean, realistically if these parents actually trusted their own kids to think and to choose intelligently for themselves they'd want them to have access to the full menu of ideas. But they don’t trust their own kid’s judgment so they want to “protect” them from challenging ideas, and in the process they want to control them.
They Never Questioned Their Own Parents, So…
Realistically speaking, these parents never questioned or challenged their own parent’s views, so why should their kids question or challenge them? After all, who’s the parent and who’s the kid…right?
Forbidden Fruit
But I have a question for these conservatively paranoid parents. Have you ever heard the story about how much more enticing and tempting fruit becomes once it’s forbidden? Have you ever heard the phrase “banned in Boston?” Have you ever heard the story about Elvis and his infamous pelvis?
They Think You’re Too Stupid
By preventing your kids from hearing Obama you may actually cause them to ask why, and to want to hear his words even more. Even conservative’s kids have some natural born curiosity in their DNA, and when they’re told “Don’t do it,” they may just wonder “Why not?” If Obama is so dangerous, why are all their liberal friends getting to listen, while their own brains are being kept under lock and key? Apparently your parents think you’re too stupid to think for yourself? And yes, you should be totally insulted.